Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Personal answer.

I want to post my answer to a personal comment that was written by a dear muslim sister.

The first thing that I want to confirm is that my brotherly affection, as well as the one of my mum, is always with her; nobody and nothing forbid to give her our good feelings and here we are for giving her help and human support: she is not alone, God gives her many brothers and sisters who are praying for her. Our special prayer is for her health, for her mum and for her wish to build a new family.
I can see her heart is owned by a human feeling that gives her pain and unhappiness; it is my duty to advise her to open her heart to God's love and to make her heart be the temple of the divine mercy. God's love is ready for us in this world too, we don't need to wait for the hereafter (as she said). It is our duty to choose God and to join his love and peace; Satan gives us pain, so it is our duty to reject what he offers us and to look for God's peace.
Let God be the Lord and the owner of our heart!
About the objection to name God like "Father", let's look to an example: when a worker produces a carpet, he'll be the creator of this object, but when a mum gives birth to her child there is something else than the simple creation of a body because our mum loves us. God has given us our body and anything we need for living, so He is our Almighty Creator, but when we are touched by His Mercy and we choose to be belivers, we'll "be born again from the Spirit", we'll be new creatures, daughters and sons united to God's love and risen up to a new spiritual life. So God is "Father" because He is a lovely Creator, the Most Lovely, He is Love.
About the objection to the manipulation of the Gospel, I invite everybody to read it with humble attention, discovering its message of love and redemption.
If I am doing anything for feeding my sister's pain, I'll beg God's forgiveness and I'll apologize to her too. I want to give her brotherly affection and I don't want this feeling to be misunderstood. If her wishes is to build her own family for serving God, she'll be allowed to show this wish to God; certainly He will bless this wish and will allow her to find the most suitable partner for this wonderful goal. I want to warn herthat a righteous love never owns our heart painfully; it is a sin to allow a feeling to own us. We belong to God so He is our unique Owner and Lord, but He never use this privilege because He likes us to join Him by love; by that we can understand that when something is trying to own us, it'll certainly come from Satan; true love, God's love, gives everything and it doesn't make us be slave.
Our life is not complete and happy because of the presence of a partner, but because of God's presence in us.

Stand up my muslim sister, it is your duty to open your heart to god, He'll guide you to peace, righteousness and truth. You'll be happy glorifying Him.
God's love is more powerful than any painful feeling that wants to make you be unhappy.
Let God's Word and Love live in you. Amen.


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